We believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holly Spirit, and the scripture as the unfailing word of God

We believe that salvation is attained by the grace of God through faith in the name of Jesus and His atoning work completed on the cross

We believe in support and involvement of missions both locally and internationally

We believe in the glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ and the rapture of His body

We believe in the baptism of the holly Spirit, His necessity for effective ministry and the operation of His Gifts within the body of Christ

We believe in Gods desire for mankind to be spiritually mature, to walk and live in divine health and to prosper materially

We believe that all born of Christ by His Spirit are the body of Christ and constitutes the true Church

We believe that each member of the body of Christ is a channel and a delivery instrument for the Gifts of the Holly Spirit

We believe that Jesus is the only Son of God,etternaly existent, Savior of the world, was raised from the dead bodily and is seated at the right hand of the Father as High Priest over the new covenant